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About us    | 美食尚的先行者




We choose to co-up with Artisan/Specialists in profession only, and are focused on how equation of natural food can help improve your physical & mental health. And one very thing we consider critically essential in life just as health diet does, that is, aesthetic taste. 

Have U “Food Fashion Up”? 

Where We at?



但,會有人希望在享受美食與氛圍之餘,心中浮現一絲食安憂慮嗎? 答案是否定的。





然而,反者道之動 也促成了反思,愈來愈多返鄉青農利用新科技改舊有耕作方式行之有年的觀念、改採有機自然農法,以及漸興起的各式民間協力組織,正是這股如雨後春筍般的力量湧現,他們辛苦,但不孤獨。




What We have?




What & How We do?

高手都在民間 - 今日職人,明日之星




我們的夢是甚麼? 『文創之宴,世界共饗』


傳統 X 創新  時尚 X 跨界 、 藝術 X 品味



Who Do We Think We are?





不喜歡從眾、ME TOO、一成不變


You R NOT Alone

歡迎和我們一起前行,與我們一同趕食髦 ,成為創造改變的先行者



『Local Findings, Global Precious』

Product & Services

Established in 2016, as a start-up E-commerce online platform named “Food Fashion Up,” we typically aim for some of the most unique and health-oriented Food & Beverage products in Taiwan, ranging from raw to processed, including but not limited to the following categories:

•Raw fruit: cherry tomato, guava, pineapple, sugar apple & pitaya

•Raw meat: Taiwan turkey, wild mullet roe, sea cucumber & scallop


1. Taiwan turkey: turkey floss, turkey jerky, turkey meat ball, turkey sausage, turkey essence

2. Optimum Kabayaki Unagi (Japanese Eel), luxury X.O. Sauce (primarily sea cucumber & scallop), Scallop & Swordfish floss 

3. Black soy bean sauce series (Organic certified, more than 130 years specialty in history) 

4. Premium-selected Taiwan fruit liqueur (coffee/lemon/lychee/mango/orange) &  vintage grape vinegar

5. Houttuynia cordata herbal drink (Tea bag: honey/dang ginseng&red dates flavors) - best natural respiratory protection 

6. Herbal Health Supplement (Extract Tablet: Eucommia & Momordica cochinchinensis)

In 2019, we further stretched to develop our first attempt to cosmetics/skin care product, facial mask, which took us 3 years to explore the formulas and the final outcome is successful.  

•Cosmetics: Goddess15 anti-aging & super hydrating facial mask (globally exclusive formulas first ever - Milk Cow Placenta / Auricularia auricula / Centella asiatica)

Business Profile

Era of Artisans” is unfolded. Local foods and artifacts are the optimum portal of understanding one’s indigenous way of life, aesthetic taste, and context of culture. We strive to create an unique platform in order to gather delicate products made from local outstanding artisans in different professional sectors provided to our customers without limitation of boundaries. 

What is it good for food and skin care product? We firmly hold just one simple principle, that is, the less would be the better. When this comes to apply to the mentioned fields and industries, it would not be an easy task to fulfill as imagined.

We not only have the capability of sourcing, but are capable of providing marketing strategy to producer, managing style of visual and product design, and customization of product. We believe the tendency towards market demand for Food&Beverage and cosmetics will continue to develop and grow in a more natural and healthier fashion, and more environmentally-friendly without question in the years to come. And we are on the right track. 

To find out more info about us and possible overseas opportunities of business co-operations, please visit and contact us at: www.foodfashionup.com or email us to: crowdstarint@gmail.com. We'd be more than excited to discuss with you at your best convenience.